What to know when starting Development?

The Context :

I decided to write this blog because many people don't get the idea of prerequisites before starting out in Development. No, I am not talking about the technical aspects of what to know before starting out, I am talking about the general ideas and thinking you need to have in mind when beginning.

What I knew:

When starting out at the very beginning, I like any other person, was very excited about getting into Web Development and building websites. But I didn't consider some things which can make a huge difference in your journey as a developer. Many people just start out on trend, some for its monetary benefits, and some because of peer pressure :p.

Reading this blog will not only give you an idea about what and hows, but also will set you on the decision-making set, as no one other than you yourself knows what you want and how you want to achieve it, lets's get started!

Things you should consider:

I am not giving you a roadmap or a set path for your journey, in fact I am going to arrange things in such a way that you would have the ability to decide for yourself! You will learn many new things on the way throughout your journey, all the best!

1. Web development is not the only option :

Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you to quit your web development studies, go on if you like it! what I want to say is that don't jump into web development just because you see others doing it. Your interest may be somewhere else, maybe in computing, in app development, in DevOps, in machine learning, there are so many options! So try to research more about other fields and see what suits your passion the best.

2. Degree doesn't define your skills :

A degree is not the only option for you to enter into development, you may be in a completely non-tech field and still learn and build a programming career out of something. You can watch various tutorials, youtube videos and read documentation to learn new things and tech stacks. You don't need high-paid courses to become a good developer, you just need curiosity and some time dedicated to it.

3. Google is your best friend :

You will save a lot of time and effort if you know how to google things in the right way and on the right website. There are many tips on how to google things better like a programmer, but nothing will teach you better than actually googling!

4. Learning along the way :

You don't need to know everything about HTML, CSS, and JS to build your first website, I built my first website using just HTML, and some basic CSS. Start Building projects and get some real-time experience in building websites!

5. Consistency is the KEY :

Coding is a big game of patience and staying in the game for long enough, the never-give-up attitude will help you more than anything. Coding for 6 hours a day and then not coding for a week isn't gonna get you anywhere, instead, start coding for at least 1 hour a day with full focus and see where it takes you!


Remembering these points alone will not make you a better developer, but the things that you will learn along the way are going to take you further in your journey, but keeping this in mind and going forward surely will.

That's all for today, see you next time!

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