Top Websites to practice front-end development!

Top Websites to practice front-end development!

Can you really Master Front-end Development?

As the title wold suggest you, it may strike your thinking that can you really master a specific skill? I am not talking about front-end development here, If you were to master a skill, what would it be?

The truth is that, you can't really master anything in the software domain! There are n number of things and technologies that get introduced on a daily basis in the industry, if you think that you know a certain language very well, chances are that there are many more use cases you probably haven't heard of. Let's make the surrounding a bit positive :p and let's see how can you increase your development skills, but before that, I would like to share my story with you.

My story

I was on the speedrun of learning front-end development and watching one tutorial after another and still wasn't learning much. I also purchased a full-stack web development course from Udemy and thought that this is the end of my search, and finally now I will be able to learn development the right way, guess what? I was wrong.

No tutorial or coding video is going to teach you how to code, it is the effort and implementation of yours that is going to teach you to code. I begin building projects after projects and started implementing my knowledge on real world skills, I learnt more about HTML,CSS in 1 month of building projects than I learned in 3 months of watching tutorials.

Best Websites to practice Front-end Development

I have curated a list of websites, did some research and created a list of top sites where you can practice Web development (frontend) and become a better coder! Here's the list

1. Codewell -

Use real world project designs and improve your portfolio.

codewell website link

2. Javascript30 -

So, you've done a few courses and read a few books but still don't feel great about your relationship with JavaScript. How do you get better? Build things. Lots of things. Build 1,000 things. Keep it up and don't stop. Seriously. This has always been my advice.

start building with Javascript now

3. Front-end Mentor

How can I forget the most loved practice website? Front-end mentor is absolutely one of the best websites to get templates and start building real-wolrd designs right now.

frontend mentor website

4. CSS battle

Play fun games to replicate a simple design given in as less as possible CSS.

CSS Battle

5. CoderByte

Try amazing free challenges to level up your coding skills.

coderbyte website


These were some websites that you can use in order to practice your front-end development skills and get a good grip over CSS as well. Watching tutorials and learning about new concepts is great, but in the end all that matters is implementation. If you don't implement your skills and build projects to get to the depths of the concepts, you will fail at coding.

This was all from this blog, I hope you got some value, Happy Coding! :).

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