Awesome Project ideas for HTML, CSS and Javascript!

Awesome Project ideas for HTML, CSS and Javascript!


2 min read


Project building is one of the most important things to do when learning to code, if you just keep watching tutorials and not implement your knowledge, you won't go that far.

I have curated a list of some awesome project ideas that can take your coding skills to a new level, especially in web development.

These projects are based purely on HTML and CSS (some js too) and I will link the videos for guidance below. Before starting, do make sure to check out my Twitter and GitHub, I am currently sharing daily insights on coding, open source, development, and general tech, that being said, let's get started!


1. Random Meal Generator

2. 2019 Mood Calendar

3. Testimonial Design

4. Background Pattern Generator

5. Tricky Cookie

6. Background Animation

7. HoverBoard

8. Reviews Design

9. Gravity Switch

10. Line Through Effect

11. Hotel Reservation Design

12. FAQ

13. Course Card UI

14. Live Visit Count

15. Tooltip

16. Auto Text Effect

17. Password Generator

18. Notes app

19. Animated countdown

20. 3D background boxes

21. Netflix Navigation

22. Image carousels

23. Sticky Navbar

24. Todo list

25. Random image feed

Some useful links down below:




How to make the most out of projects?

Many people complete projects randomly taken from the internet just for the sake of showing it in their resume.

1 project you built > 10 projects copied

Trust me, you don't want the interviewer to cross question you based on a project you didn't build :p.

To make the most out of these project ideas, first of all try to build it without any guidance (google is an exception tho) and without watching any of the tutorials.

Then, after you finish building everything from your side, see if it matches the goal, if not, then surely watch a guide video.

This was all for the blog post today, I hope you got some value from this one!

Until then, stay connected with me on twitter where I share my insights daily and help you progress in your learning curve. Bye :)

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